Premiummadrid Global Health Care protects the health of EOLO-KOMETA Cycling Team

Since Monday 7th December, the Oliva Nova Beach & Golf Resort facilities have hosted the first concentration of the project in the ProTeam category of the EOLO-KOMETA Cycling Team, and before the arrival of the first joint cycling events, the focus has shifted to the fundamental work of Premiummadrid Global Health Care. The Madrid based company, which will be responsible for the medical care of the Contador Foundation’s sports structures from the 2019 season, will accompany the continental structure in its category promotion and will also look after the health of cyclists in all categories in 2021.
The starting point, after the generation of a bubble for the whole expedition, was the different tests to which all the riders in the team were subjected during two days. “Without health there is no performance,” says Héctor García. Within Premiummadrid, García is the director of the sports and sports collaborations unit. Premmiummadrid supervises sportsmen and women and clubs in different sporting disciplines, from football to basketball, athletics and tennis, among others. Its presence in cycling is consolidated through its support of the Contador Foundation’s continental team. “We are very happy with this relationship. For us it is being a great experience and we also feel how this work is valued”.
The twenty riders who make up the team underwent a thorough medical check-up, with various ultrasound and analytical tests and the culmination of an incremental test with which to further evaluate their physical condition. The cyclists even raised questions about postural issues and the consequences of old falls in competition. Héctor García, who has a good knowledge of the knee joint, had the opportunity to answer several questions. “Some of the new cyclists were surprised by all this display. Not in all the teams, nor within the category, do the riders have this whole organisation at their disposal”, said director Stefano Zannatta.
“The truth is that all this is very good”, emphasizes the neoprofessional Arturo Grávalos. “That peace of mind of knowing how you are and that everything is going well in order to start the year with all your heart is very important”.
Premiummadrid Global Health Care was born in 2008, as a result of the initiative of Sergio Vázquez and Álvaro Guerrero, and has become a benchmark in the field of injury prevention and recovery and performance improvement. More than 1,000 people visit its different facilities every day, ranging from medical and rehabilitation centres to sports centres.
Atila Madrona
(autometic translation, sorry for mistakes)