Márton Dina is the protagonist of the third chapter of ‘Confinamiento’

Hungarian cyclist Márton Dina is the protagonist of the third and final chapter of ‘Confinamiento. Un día en la vida de…’. The Budapest rider, second overall in the Tour of Hungary 2019, tells how his day-to-day life is going in this period without racing and explains his impressions of being part of this project. Carlos Barredo, the coach of the continental team, is also in charge of looking into the figure of this promising rider. “I’m in the right place,” says Dina. On Sunday, when we premiered this documentary by Attila Madrona, the Giro d’Italia would have been on its second stage on Magyar soil. And in this week a new edition of the Tour of Hungary would have taken place, fundamental appointment for Márton and also for the team.