Haimar Etxeberria makes his debut in the category in the Xanisteban Saria in Oiartzun

Haimar Etxeberria made his debut in the amateur field this Sunday by imposing his top speed in the ascending finish at the Doneztebe Plaza in Oiartzun, the finish line of a very special edition of the Xaniesteban Saria, a race that counted towards the Lehendakari Tournament and improvised (unfortunately, due to the problem of support and permits) final race of the Gipuzkoan calendar, which remembered the recently deceased Txomin Perurena.

Haimar, who competed alone, rode the whole day with calm, attention and the maximum safeguarding of his own strength. In the final part of the race, a general regrouping would take place, no attack would succeed in crystallising and a sprint finish would take place in which the rider from Guipuzcoa would impose his top speed.

“This victory is very special”, said Etxeberria. “It was very special to be back in competition after everything we’ve been through in recent times with injuries and crashes. As the kilometres went by I felt better and better. I still can’t believe that I was able to win today. I thank all those who, despite everything, have trusted me and supported me”.

[? Prensa Oiartzun Udala (1, 2, 4) / Mertxe Labrador (3)]