Five races will compose the U19 Copa de España of the RFEC for the 2023 season

The Delegate Commission of the Real Federación Española de Ciclismo (RFEC) has approved in its last meeting the composition of the different Spanish Cycling Cups.
As far as the U19 category is concerned, the Spanish Junior Cup will be made up of five races spread over the months of February and August.
The start will take place again at the end of February in the context of the Circuito del Guadiana in Don Benito, Extremadura. The conclusion, in August, in Peñafiel, which in the end could not be held in 2022.
Calendar of the Copa de España Junior U19 Spanish Cup
25th February: 57th Circuito del Guadiana (Don Benito, Badajoz; Extremadura).
16th April: 48th Gran Premio Montemayor (Montemayor, Córdoba; Andalusia).
22nd April: Trofeu 15 d’Abril (La Canonja, Tarragona; Catalonia).
10th June: 4th Clasica Araba Vitoria-Gasteiz (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava; Basque Country).
6 August: 13th Trofeo Ayuntamiento de Peñafiel / Ruta del Vino Ribera del Duero (Peñafiel, Valladolid; Castilla y León).