A hard fought breakaway triumphs in Onda after a day with a great work of EOLO-KOMETA Cycling Team

Trofeo Víctor Cabedo
XI Trofeo Castillo de Onda
The passage through the Collado de Ayódar, on this occasion its descent, was fundamental for the resolution of the first race of the Trofeo Víctor Cabedo 2022, a Trofeo Castillo de Onda where the breakaway triumphed. By a little, but it was enough. In the end, on the slope, Pau Martí, Iñaki Navarro and Miguel Domínguez arrived. Martí ended up winning over his breakaway companions. The peloton was half a minute behind, with César Pérez and Joel Díaz in eighth and thirteenth position, respectively.
Pelotón encabezado por los corredores del @EoloKometaTeam por la carretera del pantano de Ribesalbes. pic.twitter.com/pVDvTj3HsY
— Trofeo Víctor Cabedo (@TrofeoCabedo) March 5, 2022
The team led by Guillermo Gutiérrez worked at the front of the peloton for many stages of the race ahead of the climb. The terrain was not easy, with many steep slopes that already made some selection, but the boys in blue worked hard to lead the race fast and grouped. Joan Cadena was involved in the fight for the flying goals and the special sprints.
On the ascent, the group became very tightly grouped, with about twenty riders coming out on top. On the descent, Martí, Navarro and Domínguez, who had finished slightly ahead of the rest of the field, came out on top while behind the EOLO-KOMETA Cycling Team again took the lead in a chase that did not materialize. In addition to Pérez and Díaz, in the chasing group also came Lucas Guillermo, Álex García and Nil Aguilera.
#TrofeoVictorCabedo22. Joan Cadena, en el podio como ganador de los Sprints Especiales del Trofeo Castillo de Onda, primera prueba del @TrofeoCabedo. El EOLO-KOMETA Cycling Team concluye segundo en la clasificación por escuadras. #EOLOKOMETACyclingTeam #EOK22Dream #TVC22 pic.twitter.com/idQR4ZhiZr
— FundContadorTeam (@FundContaTeam) March 5, 2022