A Clásica Araba Vitoria-Gasteiz with a lot to learn

A day of learning in a very demanding race that lasted more than three and a half hours and that comes after a few weeks of a lot of academic activity. The Araba Vitoria Gasteiz Cup crowned Álvaro García (Valverder Team), winner alone in Aretxabaleta. Balint Feldhoffer, Samuel Flórez and Álvar Martín completed the race in the group of around thirty riders who were just over a minute and a half behind the winner.

The squad worked hard at the front of the group when the two big breakaways that occurred during the day achieved advantages of over three minutes. A task in which Pablo Leno and Álvar Martín were especially involved after a season without competition. And it was also very positive the reaction to turn around a race situation in which the options for the final victory were complicated.
Balazs Pollner, who competed with stomach discomfort, made an offensive move on a steep slope around kilometre 45. The race started with an emotional tribute to the memories of the recently deceased Arturo Grávalos and Txomin Perurena.