“We have to be optimistic. The priority is to stay focused and keep working”

A few days ago the Peña Ciclista Guadiana de Don Benito confirmed the postponement of the Circuito del Guadiana, inaugural race of the Copa de España élite and U23 2021. The Peña Ciclista Guerrita, promoter of the second one, the Trofeo Guerrita-Memorial Juan Romero y Diego Sánchez, announced recently the postponement of the Murcian event. The Trofeo Ayuntamiento de Zamora y el Trofeo San José, which were already moved in 2020, will not be held on their traditional dates in March either.
These postponements join others that had taken place previously, linked to races scheduled for the month of February such as the Memorial Sanroma de Almagro, where the Foundation’s U23 team performed so well with victory for the Andalusian David Martín, or the Vuelta Ciclista Internacional al Valle del Guadalentín in Murcia.
“The situation is what it is and there is nothing else we can do but keep working to be ready for the first race that we can race and, going further, for all the races that will be held in the end. In this respect, we must be optimistic and not let ourselves be carried away by negative thoughts. The evolution of the health situation and the different waves will condition the evolution of the calendar. But as the months go by, we are convinced that everything will improve. The priority is to stay focused and get on with the work. In this sense, we are very calm with the great work that Carlos Barredo is doing”, explains director Rafa Díaz Justo.
Another big-name race that was on the U23 team’s calendar this season, the French Ronde l’Isard, has recently confirmed that it will be moved back from its traditional dates to be held in late summer and early autumn.
[📷 Atila Madrona]